How do we make the world a better place for underserved and at-risk children?

How do we make the world a better place for underserved and at-risk children?

January 6, 2023

Troubles worldwide can feel overwhelming and discouraging, but it only takes one small act of kindness to change the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children. Unity 4 Orphans provides several ways to care for vulnerable children living in poverty, setting them on a course to secure futures with more opportunities. Our programs include English as …

New Program Director Brings Hope and Healing to Orphanages in Tijuana

New Program Director Brings Hope and Healing to Orphanages in Tijuana

August 10, 2022

Unity 4 Orphans’ newest team member adds a unique perspective to our mission of bringing healing to orphaned and poverty-stricken children in Latin America. We’re excited to introduce our newest team member, Marco Aguilera, who is filling a much-needed role as Program Director for our team in Latin America. He and his wife, Anabel, have …

Kids Hold Annual Lemonade Stand for Orphans Fundraiser in San Diego

Kids Hold Annual Lemonade Stand for Orphans Fundraiser in San Diego

July 27, 2022

Three San Diego girls recently hosted a lemonade stand to raise money for the orphanages in Mexico that Unity 4 Orphans supports.  The young entrepreneurs,Vibhi (age 9), Aashi (age 7),  and Eva (age 7), put a lot of care into the planning and preparations, and the event was a success in more ways than one. …

Back-to-School Supply Drive for Orphanage Kids in Mexico

Back-to-School Supply Drive for Orphanage Kids in Mexico

July 22, 2022

The global pandemic is still being felt by the children at the orphanages in Mexico, who are struggling to get back on track in school; help them start strong for next year! The children at the orphanages in Mexico continue to study hard this summer to make up for the time and knowledge lost during …

Mullets 4 Orphans: Kid Creates Crazy Fun Fundraiser

Mullets 4 Orphans: Kid Creates Crazy Fun Fundraiser

July 5, 2022

A 13-year-old San Diego teen puts the FUN in fundraiser with a creative idea he calls “Mullets 4 Orphans” by collecting donations before visiting a local barber. Last summer, Charlie Wilkinson went on a volunteer trip with his family to visit the children at the orphanage that Unity 4 Orphans supports in Tijuana. Seeing how …

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