Meet Julia, Unity 4 Orphans Engagement Specialist

Meet Julia, Unity 4 Orphans Engagement Specialist

December 2, 2022

Our newest team member has been volunteering with Unity 4 Orphans since 2021, leading service trips and now as a special liaison to engage and support our community. Join us in welcoming Julia to the team officially, although she’s been involved with our organization for over a year and a half. She originally heard about …

Meet the Unity 4 Orphans Team: Alyssa Hamon

Meet the Unity 4 Orphans Team: Alyssa Hamon

October 21, 2022

Unity 4 Orphans’ intern in San Diego shares what drew her to our mission to help orphaned and vulnerable children and encourages others to join a service trip. The newest member of our team, Alyssa, heard about U4O through the Communications Department at Point Loma Nazarene University, where she is currently in her senior year. …

Meet the Team: Wesley Ross

Meet the Team: Wesley Ross

July 11, 2022

Unity 4 Orphans is pleased to introduce someone who usually keeps a low profile but has been involved for years as a CPA and valued team member. Our CPA, Wesley Ross, was first introduced to Joe at The Rock Churchthrough a mutual friend four years ago, and he’s been involved ever since. Along with annual …

Wave-A-Thon Highlights: Dedicated Supporters!

Wave-A-Thon Highlights: Dedicated Supporters!

April 28, 2022

Unity 4 Orphans is so thankful for the support that led to a successful fundraiser at our 2nd Annual Wave-A-Thon! The students in our ESL program in Nicaragua are now learning valuable life skills through education and new curriculum in the English language, which will open doors for them in their future.

Joe Brandi Reflects on Easter and What It Means for Unity 4 Orphans

Joe Brandi Reflects on Easter and What It Means for Unity 4 Orphans

April 13, 2022

Unity 4 Orphans founder, Joe Brandi, shares an Easter message for our volunteers, donors, and supporters.  We send our heartfelt thank you to everyone who continues to join us in our mission to support children in Latin America by bringing education and holistic care for brighter futures and awareness to our communities and the world …

Wave-A-Thon Highlights: Raising Kids to Give Back!

Wave-A-Thon Highlights: Raising Kids to Give Back!

March 4, 2022

Unity 4 Orphans’ 2nd Annual Wave-A-Thon drew an awesome crowd, raised funds for a great cause, and highlighted families giving back together. We’re thankful for all of our supporters and donors, and especially love to see kids growing up with a charitable worldview!

Equipping the Kids for Success in School!

Equipping the Kids for Success in School!

February 3, 2022

A new school year has begun for the children Unity 4 Orphans supports in Nicaragua. It not only takes a village to garner the funds needed to provide necessary items, but also to obtain and distribute them to the kids, and we’re so grateful for our awesome community! Coming alongside children in Latin America to …

Meet U4O’s Mental Health Professional In Nicaragua

Meet U4O’s Mental Health Professional In Nicaragua

November 5, 2021

Greyddyn is U4O’s child psychologist for our English program in Miramar, Nicaragua. Her role is to care for the psychological health of each child. She says, “My greatest motivator is the results we get to see. That brings me fulfillment and motivates me to believe that we are an agent of change in these kids’ lives.”

Service Trips Offer Unique Team-Building Experiences

Service Trips Offer Unique Team-Building Experiences

October 20, 2021

Whether for team building within a corporation, a church group, or a collection of friends, Unity 4 Orphans’ day trips to orphanages in Tijuana provide a memorable way for teams to bond with one another and the children we serve.

Window Screens Matter!

Window Screens Matter!

October 6, 2021

Providing for simple inadequacies that affect children’s lifestyle enables them to do their best in school and more importantly, lets them know that they are valuable and loved.

Meet Amy

Meet Amy

September 20, 2021

Amy is inspired by our mission to lift children out of poverty and help to create equity throughout the world. The people in our organization working together toward a shared goal to love others—and especially children—motivated her to join the team!

National Nonprofit Day

National Nonprofit Day

August 23, 2021

One of the missions of Unity 4 Orphans is to bring awareness to the ways in which people are contributing to the needs of those less fortunate, especially children living in poverty, and we proudly share in National Nonprofit Day!

One Child Living in Poverty

One Child Living in Poverty

August 17, 2021

Many of us may not be able to relate to this level of poverty, but we can all relate to how stressors in our environment play a role in our relationships and our ability to make progress. This is the story of one child living in poverty.

Counseling Gives Hope for Brighter Futures

Counseling Gives Hope for Brighter Futures

July 20, 2021

Unity 4 Orphans’ heart for the children we serve calls us to help meet needs for not only their physical health and education, but also their emotional and mental health. With the support of our gracious donors, we have hired psychologists to work with the children in Miramar and Tijuana.

Celebrating Our Rockstar Volunteers!

Celebrating Our Rockstar Volunteers!

June 15, 2021

Over a sunny weekend in June we gathered to celebrate our amazing Unity4Orphans team members and volunteers! The outdoor patio at Solterra Winery & Kitchen in Leucadia was a perfect venue, and we enjoyed delicious food and delightful company!

College Conversations in Nicaragua

College Conversations in Nicaragua

May 10, 2021

Unity 4 Orphans staff hosted a meeting for ESL program students in Nicaragua to share their experiences in—and expectations of—university life. Current university students were enthusiastic to guide their younger counterparts and shared admirable goals, like helping their families and communities once they graduate. Their conversations demonstrate our commitment to breaking the cycle of poverty by supporting education and opening career opportunities.

U4O’s First College Student

U4O’s First College Student

April 21, 2021

A top priority at Unity 4 Orphans is empowering orphaned and vulnerable children through education. We are incredibly proud and encouraged by the achievements of Jose Manuel Sosa, whom we have helped send to Law School.

Cuando Regresan?

Cuando Regresan?

March 29, 2021

It’s been a full year since our last service trip to visit the orphanages in Tijuana. As much as it’s been hard for us, during our first trip of 2021 we came to see just how hard it has been on the 33 kids at our partner orphanage in Tijuana.

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