Each child in the Unity 4 Orphans program is unique, but to help our devoted donors better understand them, it’s our privilege to introduce individuals whose stories reflect the intention of our mission. Meet Kelly, one child living in poverty.
Our committed staff in both Nicaragua and Tijuana observe the kids on a regular basis, and sometimes bring a specific need to our attention. One such story is that of Kelly, a nine-year-old girl who will enter the 4th grade in the fall of 2021. She attends school in Miramar, Nicaragua, along with her sister, who is a year older and also a classmate.
The family struggles to keep their basic needs met, and this insecurity affects Kelly’s behavior, both at home and in school.
An article published by UNICEF states that prior to the pandemic, it was estimated that 1 in 6 children live in extreme poverty worldwide, with 50% of the world’s extreme poor being children. This statistic is staggering, and even guarantees an uptick as a result of multiple factors. COVID has certainly complicated the lives of all who live below the poverty line, but environmental, political, and social upheaval also factor in.
This type of global crisis can easily render feelings of overwhelm, and foster doubt that anything can be done to affect real change. But, if we look for ways we can help, there will always be something, no matter how small it may seem.
Mother Teresa said, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”
Many of us may not be able to relate to this level of poverty, but we can all relate to how stressors in our environment play a role in our relationships and our ability to make progress. For Kelly, these insecurities were manifesting in the areas of interpersonal relationships and getting in the way of her studies. Behaviors like being argumentative and competitive were putting her at odds with her peers, and even with those dedicated to her education and development.
Kelly’s teacher referred her to Ms. Greyddyng Rodriguez, a child psychologist affiliated with the U4O program, and this intervention has quickly produced noticeable results. Her teachers and parents have seen an improvement in the way she interacts with her sister, other students, and even in the way she carries herself.
Because she is an energetic, intelligent child with an enthusiasm for learning—especially the English language—this development encourages all who care for Kelly and wish to see her succeed in her future.
Kelly’s family couldn’t afford to pay for English classes, but sponsorship has opened the door to this opportunity she would otherwise miss.
This bold, motivated child is one of many individuals that U4O staff strive to come alongside, providing not only the basic needs that everyone is entitled to, but also a hope for the future to serve as a guiding light. Thanks to a dedicated few, Kelly is empowered to succeed in her educational pursuits as well as personal development, and we can’t wait to see what she will achieve in the future!
Source: UNICEF. 1 in 6 children lives in extreme poverty, World Bank-UNICEF analysis shows. https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/1-6-children-lives-extreme-poverty-world-bank-unicef-analysis-shows