Impact Stories

Lindsay Reph - Community Outreach Specialist for U4O

Meet Lindsay Reph

As Unity 4 Orphans’ Community Outreach Specialist, Lindsay manages donor communications, various online content, and anything else that lands in her inbox. Her love of…

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Diamonds & Denim Fundraiser

Watch our 2 minute event recap video!  On Saturday, May 22, Shannon and Ayham Skaf hosted a Diamonds & Denim Casino Night Fundraiser at their…

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Kristen B Donations Coordinator for Unity 4 Orphans

Meet Kristen Brinkerhoff

As part of the Unity 4 Orphans team, Kristen has a variety of responsibilities, but her main focus is overseeing the clothing donations that come…

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College Conversations in Nicaragua

In setting goals for their futures, the younger students learned an important lesson in equipping themselves through diligent study and careful consideration of what lies…

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