On a perfect San Diego day in August, Unity 4 Orphans held our 2nd Annual Wave-A-Thon fundraiser. With the participation of 23 surfers and support from our incredible community, we were able to raise $30k toward new curriculum and ESL classes for our students in Miramar, Nicaragua.
Steve Castillo, our board treasurer, admired all of the hard work and collected funds, noting that the group in attendance as surfers, volunteers, and supporters was energetic and enthusiastic!
“We’ve got a good younger crowd, which warms my heart . . . it’s a young group that sees the value of helping orphans, both in Mexico and in Nicaragua.”
-Steve Castillo
Another board member, Laura Fellows, attended with her family including two young daughters and husband Matt, who surfed and helped raise money. They’ve attended service trips with U4O and fell in love with the organization. The relationships formed with the children in the orphanages and finding ways to make their lives better is what it’s all about!
“We think that the organization is doing such incredible things and we’re very excited to be part of it and do our little part to be giving back.”
-Laura Fellows
Between the younger crowd of supporters and volunteers, and the younger children who joined their parents at the event, Unity 4 Orphans was stoked to see involvement across the generations, all joining together to raise funds for this awesome cause!