Summer is in full swing and Unity 4 Orphans has various fun ideas to spark inspiration for ways to help vulnerable children.
Join us in making a difference and leading our partners and programs into the second half of 2024!
#1 Put the FUN in Fundraiser: Host a Friends and Family Gathering!
What better way to connect people with U4O’s mission this summer while having FUN than to host a Friends and Family Gathering?
I learned the importance of helping others from my mom. God calls us to take care of widows and orphans, and at the dinner, I was inspired to watch God move on behalf of orphaned children.
–Kathrine Cassidy, Friends and Family Gathering Host
We’ve seen events of all shapes and sizes and would love to talk to you about hosting one of your own. Contact us to help you customize a FFG!
#2 Donate Your Birthday to Unity 4 Orphans, Party Optional!
We all have birthdays and one of the easiest ways to help vulnerable children is to donate yours! It’s also a great way to share U4O’s mission with your community.
I believe in the mission of U4O and I wanted to make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children. I’ve been blessed in so many ways and I wanted to pass that blessing on. I was excited to host a birthday fundraiser and each time someone donated, it made me so happy!
–Sue Snyder, Birthday Fund Raiser
Give yourself that warm giving-back feeling and donate your birthday to U4O!
#3 Sponsor or Surf U4O’s Wave-A-Thon on September 28!
Calling all surfers, boogie boarders, beachgoers, and sponsors! Mark your calendar for Saturday, September 28, and join us in Pacific Beach for our 5th Annual Wave-A-Thon.
It makes me really proud to put my hobby of surfing to a good cause. I’ve seen the impact that Unity 4 Orphans has; I’ve seen the communities and the faces of the kids.
–Sara Giret, U4O Supporter and Surfer
Our classic San Diego fundraiser is back and this year’s event will be bigger and better than ever. Stay tuned for more details and we’ll see you there!
#4 Keep Up With Joe’s Travels and Exciting Partner and Program Updates!
This summer’s travel agenda includes visits to Panama, El Salvador–where our Nicaraguan partners will meet Joe, Caitlin, and the team, followed by Guatemala, Ecuador, and Colombia.
I’ll be gone for 2 months visiting our new and existing program partners, developing relationships, getting to know the kids better, and gathering stories and videos to share. We’re going to get refreshed and renew our vision for the programs and what we’re doing in Latin America.
–Joe Brandi, Founder and Mission Director
Keep up with Joe’s travels and exciting developments by following Unity 4 Orphans:
#5 Provide Sporting Equipment for Vulnerable K-5 Students in San Diego!
Our San Diego partners, BLAST 4 Kids, provide after-school care, tutoring, and healthy snacks to underprivileged children who often come from single-parent homes. The kids in BLAST’s program are also encouraged to play, learn teamwork, and receive mentorship.
We’re the most affordable after-school program that isn’t government-funded in San Diego County. It’s important to families in need of financial support for us to give kids partial scholarships to offset expenses.
–Ryan, BLAST Program Director
BLAST is able to keep costs low because of donations and is asking for sporting equipment including basketballs, footballs, dodgeballs, and wall balls. Help us equip their afterschool program with extra resources for the kids! Contact Ryan to donate.