Unity 4 Orphans is excited to announce that we had the opportunity to support YoungLives, a ministry of Young Life, that provides guidance and mentorship to youth in San Diego as well as nationwide and internationally.
Our mission to come alongside vulnerable children and teenagers through education, healing, and showing them the love of Jesus aligns with the heart of Young Life’s ministry. Established in 1941, this incredible organization is changing the lives of countless adolescents through encountering the love of Jesus and receiving guidance from caring adults and mentors.
Young Life Offers Mentorship to Youth and Shows Them God’s Love
Young Life is an umbrella that includes multiple youth ministries including Middle School, High School, College, Kids in the Foster System, Incarcerated Youth, Special Needs Children, and YoungLives for teenage mothers. This particular outreach resonates because of the similar struggles we see girls face in other countries where our partners serve, where education is derailed and the cycle of poverty continues.
We help them by befriending them, giving them love, and teaching them that they don’t have to live this life without Jesus. [When I was a teen] I wish I would’ve had somebody in my life who I looked up to and thought was cool who told me about Jesus.
–Mariela Martinez, Administrative Director for Young Life San Diego Metro
Teenage pregnancy is one of the top catalysts for girls dropping out of school, being kicked out of their homes, facing homelessness, and living below the poverty line. YoungLives provides an opportunity for teen moms to experience the power of personal interest and care for their lives and those of their children.
Dedicated Partners Change Lives for At-Risk Teenage Girls
About two and a half years ago Mariela began volunteering with YoungLives, during a time of success in her own business when she felt called to give back to her community. A gathering of Christian business professionals at her church introduced her to Young Life and she began to learn more about the organization. YoungLives, their ministry to teen moms, called to her because of her own experience as a teen and she wanted to help however she could.
The thing I love about YoungLives is it’s a generational impact, because their children are exposed to something they may not have been exposed to. That will impact that child’s faith, and that’s huge. Many of the teen moms grew up in a home where they didn’t hear the Word of God and didn’t have good role models, and now they’re walking alongside women who have that and can offer it to them.
–Mariela Martinez, Administrative Director for Young Life San Diego Metro
The importance of positive, consistent role models in the lives of adolescents can be life-changing. At home in San Diego and as far as Ecuador, we continue to hear transformation stories involving teen girls, pregnancy rates, and how mentorship can change lives and set the course for brighter futures.
YoungLives Summer Camp Gives Teen Moms Guidance and Support
Mariela’s first experience at summer camp for YoungLives was as a volunteer for childcare, a free service for teen moms who attend with their babies and toddlers. Not only does the program provide childcare, but the young mothers also have everything they need for their babies from pack-and-play cribs in each cabin to onsite nurses. The opportunity to learn about Jesus, gain confidence in the challenges of motherhood, and fellowship with friends and strong leaders is a rare and precious experience.
It’s important to see the spectrum of girls who come to summer camp. Many don’t know about Jesus, they’re just coming so someone can watch the baby and they can hang out with their friends and be kids. Some are extremely poor and live in shelters, have never been to a camp, or had a day with three square meals. This is a huge opportunity for them and it’s thanks to partners like Unity 4 Orphans who help us raise funds to get these girls to camp.
–Mariela Martinez, Administrative Director for Young Life San Diego Metro
The opportunity to learn about Jesus, gain confidence in the challenges of motherhood, and fellowship with strong leaders and friends is a rare and precious experience, one that is made possible by the generosity of donors. Attending camp and having all of their needs and their children’s needs met can be a life-changing experience for young mothers who often feel alienated and alone.
Unity 4 Orphans’ Partnership With YoungLives Offers Transformation
Through our partnership with YoungLives, U4O is thrilled to be extending helping hands to vulnerable adolescent girls in San Diego. We’re inspired by Young Life staff members like Mariela who dedicate themselves to guiding kids through the most difficult circumstances of life, and thankful for the chance to join hands and make a difference.
Our goal is to transform the lives of vulnerable children, and that encompasses both teen mothers and their children. We see little sparks of transformation when the girls realize, if God loves me and cares about me then my life matters to someone. And if my life matters, that’s going to change how I live my daily life, and I am worth this education and I am worth this job.
–Caitlin Snyder, U4O Engagement Director
In-country partnerships are the foundation of our holistic model and we’re thrilled to see what God does through YoungLives this summer as teenage mothers experience His love firsthand. Join our fight to transform the lives of vulnerable youth and make a generational impact together!
Support Programs for At-Risk Youth in San Diego and Latin America