
A Firsthand Look at Poverty Conditions for the Children We Serve in Nicaragua, Part 2

Unity 4 Orphans volunteers shared their time, talents, and hearts with children from our ESL program in Nicaragua breaking the cycle of poverty through education.

Welcome to the continuation of our story featuring the experiences of U4O volunteers Paul & Sara Giret, who joined Joe Brandi on his trip to Nicaragua in the summer of 2022. Be sure to read A Firsthand Look at Poverty Conditions for the Children We Serve in Nicaragua, Part 1. (here)

a dirt road in a poor village in Nicaragua

Vulnerable Children Plagued by Generational Poverty Deserve Opportunities


Taking hours of video footage and snapping countless photographs gave Paul plenty of opportunity to observe the children in their homes and classrooms. At times overwhelmed by the poverty he witnessed, he shared with his wife Sara a growing respect and admiration for the kids in our program. He describes them as pleasant, friendly, kind, and eager to learn.

These children have nothing, but they’re happy.

–Paul Giret, Videographer

a shack in Nicaragua that one of San Diego charity Unity 4 Orphans’ children lives in

Even while they’re living in a shack built from plywood and scrap metal, they make their best attempt to be clean and presentable, show up for class, and have a positive attitude. There isn’t much to the town of Miramar but a couple of surf camps, a single restaurant, and a couple of convenience stores with basic necessities. It hit home even harder to realize how extremely limited the children’s options are.

Unity 4 Orphans’ ESL program is not just about the kids learning English; it’s about building their confidence and people skills. They’re learning to be proactive.

–Joe Brandi, U4O Founder

Transformation Center will Provide Vulnerable Children a Place to Learn, Grow, and Thrive

San Diego charity Unity 4 Orphans volunteer teaching children in Nicaragua

Though the children in Nicaragua are well-adapted to adverse conditions, they desperately need a facility that is more conducive to learning. Such a building would also provide an example of better conditions to help shift their mindsets to understand what it’s like to be around nice things, take care of nice things, and instill the belief that they too can have nice things.

As they hopefully go into the world to seek reliable employment–which for many will be in the tourism industry–a glimpse into what they can achieve for themselves and their families is vital to raising their awareness of what can come from a good education. In particular, those who become bilingual greatly increase their opportunities for a better life.

We envision the Miramar Transformation Center to be a safe space to build community and give the kids a place to meet and hang out, be productive, learn, and do activities. It has the potential to impart a sense of pride and motivate them to seek out opportunities for brighter futures.

–Keem Schutlz-Fares, U4O Operations Director

The first step to helping these children transform their lives is also the simplest in this case. Many of the students enrolled in our ESL program are in need of dedicated sponsors to help them succeed in school, as well as pursue English as a second language studies beyond the regular school day.

a San Diego charity Unity 4 Orphans volunteer teaching a child English

As we continue to raise funds and begin building plans for the Miramar Transformation Center, please consider changing a child’s life through child sponsorship.

Read Part 1 of this blog post series

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