
San Diego Volunteers Find Love While Serving Orphaned Children Together

Read this fun, unique story of two Unity 4 Orphans volunteers who found love on a volunteer trip and are now married!


In 2017, Tricia Butler was reading the La Jolla Light newspaper and she saw an ad for U4O service tripsand thought, “I should go!”

She signed up, and one of the first people she met when she arrived to meet up with the group was Steve. An experienced volunteer who regularly attended service trips, he was helpful in welcoming others into this unique kind of service at the core of Unity 4 Orphans’ mission.

Unity 4 Orphans Service Trip Brings Volunteers Closer

Once they arrived at the orphanage in Tijuana, Tricia noticed that all of the kids loved Steve and she admired the way he interacted with them. Throughout the day of service, they got along and began to get to know each other on a personal level.

By the end of the day, Steve asked Tricia for her phone number and not long after, they went on their first date. Already knowing their shared values and having seen each other give to orphaned kids who just need love and attention provided a foundation for their relationship, and in the fall of 2020, they were married.We’re thankful for these two caring volunteers and so happy for them to have found love through service to underprivileged children!

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