
Nutrition and ESL Bring Hope to Vulnerable Children in Punta Mita

Check in with Joe Brandi’s most recent visit to Unity 4 Orphans’ partner program in Punta Mita, Mexico, providing ESL education, nutrition, and spiritual guidance to children living in poverty.


Mexican Children in Punta Mita Stuck in the Cycle of Poverty

We first shared news of a partnership in Punta Mita last summer, and since then the program has steadily grown to support more than twenty-five children from surrounding rural communities. Punta Mita is a world-renowned resort and surfing destination near Puerto Vallarta with an alarming wealth disparity, and we are grateful to be a small part of helping local kids through our holistic model.

Our perspective is that if they learn English, it can open up so many different doors.
–Joe Brandi, U4O Founder

ESL Education Gives Hope to Vulnerable Kids in Latin America

Children at Unity 4 Orphans' partner program in Punta Mita, Mexico doing an art project

We believe in the importance of not only educating the children we serve but also ministering to the whole child. With ESL as a solid strategy to open doors in their futures, we aim to transform lives by supporting each child’s mind, body, and spirit.

Joe’s interaction with the kids always inspires us to do more and together with our amazing community, we can help them rise above their circumstances to continue their education, learn to speak English, and secure employment to support themselves one day.

If you’d like to be a part of this important initiative, join us by donating to one of our programs or sponsoring a child.

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