
Showing Love to Impoverished Children in Ecuador through Nutrition and Education

From a poverty-stricken village in Ecuador, Unity 4 Orphans’ founder Joe Brandi shares a vision for expansion to the area to provide intervention for education and nutrition.

On his recent trip to Ecuador, one of the areas Joe Brandi traveled to gives us a glimpse into the housing conditions of one community plagued by extreme poverty. With shacks in the background, he shares feeling uncomfortable, that it almost feels dangerous–though it isn’t.

Children in Ecuador playing with San Diego charity Unity 4 Orphans volunteers

It’s difficult for many of us to envision living in similar conditions, but to connect with the children we will be serving, we need to understand just how much they must overcome.

“Our focus is on education and nutrition, and we do it in Jesus’ name.”

–Joe Brandi, U4O Founder

Building Consistent Relationships with Poor Children Changes Lives

Unity 4 Orphans is inspired by the volunteers who have been going into the neighborhood every Saturday for the past seven years. In that time, they’ve developed relationships, earned the trust of the villagers, and won the kids over.

Eager for a consistent community, the local children come to receive tutoring, play games, and be encouraged by the support of others who show them kindness. We strive to bring holistic support to the children in our programs through similar means and celebrate the success stories that come from our programs in Mexico and Nicaragua.

“I really believe that God brought me to Ecuador to meet children desperately in need of our programs.”

–Joe Brandi, U4O Founder

Together We Can Change the World by Serving Impoverished Children

As Joe shares, the people who have been serving this community continue to be so faithful, and we’re ready to fight for brighter futures for children in this part of Ecuador. It may seem like a largely unnoticed part of the world, but much of Jesus’ ministry was to simply see those who felt unseen and to show them they are loved.

Children in Ecuador playing with San Diego charity Unity 4 Orphans volunteers

Please stay tuned for what’s going to happen as U4O expands into Ecuador. We appreciate your support, your prayers, and your heart for the children we serve. Many of the children in Nicaragua still need sponsorship; visit our website to help us reach that goal and enable us to extend support to children in Ecuador in the future.


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