
From ESL Student to Teaching Intern: A Success Story from Nicaragua

A former student from Unity 4 Orphans’ ESL program in Nicaragua shares how learning English has changed her life and what inspires her to teach others.

Yanelis began in U4O’s ESL program over three years ago and didn’t know any English prior to enrolling. Although she was intimidated in the beginning, the teacher and counselor encouraged her to keep studying and trying to speak English, building her confidence along the way.

English as a Second Language Program Raises Students’ Confidence

Yanelis Lopez

Prior to joining our program, Yanelis hadn’t considered how learning English would help her in the future. When asked, she answered that she wanted to be a doctor when she grew up because she wanted to make a successful career after university. Much to her surprise, as her English skills began to improve, new possibilities opened up in her mind.

When I started learning English, I said, “This is my thing.” I never imagined that I would be able to do this–speak English like I am right now . . . I’m the result of three years with in the program, and I’m so excited.
–Yanelis, ESL Program Intern in Nicaragua

Learning English is a Challenge Worth Overcoming for Vulnerable Children

a class of ESL students in Nicaragua

When a child believes in themself, his or her chances of succeeding grow exponentially–in school and beyond. Yanelis’ experience not only grew her assurance and determination but also gave her a heart for helping other students learn as well. After three years in U4O’s program, she is bilingual and able to clearly communicate in English.

I think that learning English is so fundamental for kids . . . because when they grow up they have more job opportunities. I would like to inspire them to give their best to try to improve every day, to learn more things so these will help them in the future.
–Yanelis, ESL Program Intern in Nicaragua

We’re so proud of Yanelis’ hard work and positive attitude and thankful for her dedication to helping other children thrive in their ESL studies. As an intern in our program, she brings an authentic perspective that helps her connect with and inspire other students.

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